Individual Therapy

"Go to therapy" "You need therapy" "Everyone needs a little therapy sometimes"
We've all heard this, whether directed at us or others, but what does "going to therapy" mean? Individual therapy is where you are able to delve deep into the things that make you who you are. Things that affect the choices you make. Things that influence how you are able to handle struggles that come your way.
This is the place where you have the opportunity to dive deep and become the person you want to be for the rest of your life.
Contrary to movies and television, therapy isn't always mushy gushy stuff. Therapy work is hard, messy, and can be very painful. Don't let that scare you away. Cleaning wounds hurts, but if they don't get clean, they can't get better. We want to help you get better.
At times it may be tough but we will be in your corner, this is a safe place to heal.